♀ Kandie

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No.514 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/02/10(Tue)13:18] [Report] 1234289907391.jpg (214462 B, 343x610) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
214462 B


No.515 : Raaalll ##+g+FivGo [09/02/10(Tue)13:53] [Report] []

Oh god yes! Moar?

No.516 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/10(Tue)18:41] [Report] []

needs more butts

No.517 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/10(Tue)19:29] [Report] []

I can't believe you didn't go for the rhinestone studded outfit instead :(

No.518 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/10(Tue)21:07] [Report] []

want more legs in stockings and heels

No.519 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/02/11(Wed)21:03] [Report] 1234404192951.jpg (167463 B, 372x560) [YIS] [GIS] []
167463 B

enjoy your tentacle grape

No.521 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/02/11(Wed)21:07] [Report] 1234404421255.jpg (54277 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
54277 B

i dont even know what i'm doing here...

being retarded i guess

No.522 : Raaalll ##+g+FivGo [09/02/11(Wed)21:46] [Report] []


No.523 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/11(Wed)22:37] [Report] []

Am i going to have to join CD again to see you again?

Oh well. As long as you get paid!

No.524 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/12(Thu)18:21] [Report] 1234480865229.jpg (20994 B, 95x87) [YIS] [GIS] []
20994 B

This spot. I must kiss it.

No.525 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/02/12(Thu)20:51] [Report] []

thats the exact spot where i'll be getting my tattoo. so you can kiss that too :3

No.526 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/12(Thu)21:13] [Report] []

>>525 it's a deal!

No.527 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/14(Sat)01:54] [Report] []

where was you tonights ;_;

No.528 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/02/14(Sat)11:06] [Report] []

making a pie and partying

No.529 : Raaalll ##+g+FivGo [09/02/14(Sat)12:17] [Report] []

happy ballemtimes day!

No.629 : FailtrollIsFail #9eKkdto7DI [09/05/03(Sun)15:41] [Report] []

Neko mimi mode-da desu ne?

No.645 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/05/08(Fri)04:34] [Report] []

I'm actually looking into doing a cosplay of Hazuki :3

No.764 : Anonymous Stalker [09/08/02(Sun)12:51] [Report] []

so cute, so sexy


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