The Camwhores of Christmas Past

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No.429 : Hamstyrup [08/05/30(Fri)09:35] [Report] 1212165348119.jpg (87655 B, 453x604) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
87655 B

We built a weenie little fire. In the public park. no one cared.

No.430 : Hamstyrup [08/05/30(Fri)09:36] [Report] 1212165366020.jpg (65866 B, 604x453) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.431 : Hamstyrup [08/05/30(Fri)09:36] [Report] 1212165379826.jpg (55053 B, 453x604) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.432 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/05/30(Fri)15:07] [Report] []

cutest ever

No.433 : SP [08/05/30(Fri)19:30] [Report] []

I can produce a big-ass fire with about ten seconds of prep time anywhere I feel like it. I learned how to breathe fire, and I'm getting pretty good, probably performing at this sunday's firejam.

No.435 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/03(Tue)17:10] [Report] []


you're acting like thats impressive or something.

piss off boy george.

No.436 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/03(Tue)17:47] [Report] []

Is that the dude that sticks his penis in you?

No.437 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/04(Wed)00:54] [Report] []


that is one ugly son of a bitch. your boyfriend, i mean.

No.438 : Hamstyrup [08/06/04(Wed)13:48] [Report] []


what are you, a bitter asian man?

No.440 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/05(Thu)20:18] [Report] []


no, but you are LOL

No.441 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/06(Fri)04:06] [Report] []


No.442 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/06(Fri)05:51] [Report] []


Not really...

No.443 : Smokey the Bear #TLp14CYKdE [08/06/08(Sun)15:46] [Report] 1212965205860.jpg (17609 B, 247x318) [YIS] [GIS] []
17609 B

Excuse me, wtf ru doin?

No.444 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/09(Mon)01:15] [Report] []

This is the cutest trap i've ever seen in my life!

No.445 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/09(Mon)18:27] [Report] []

>>444 the fuck are you talking about?

No.446 : fan [08/06/10(Tue)15:56] [Report] []

you're fucking gorgeous...

No.447 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/13(Fri)02:28] [Report] []

someone linked me to the thread and told me it was a trap...>>445


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