The Camwhores of Christmas Past

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No.1442 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)14:11] [Report] 1233515486561.jpg (2126 B, 256x201) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
2126 B

ask me stuff \o/

No.1443 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/01(Sun)14:13] [Report] []

What's your favourite public place to masturbate?

No.1445 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)14:15] [Report] []

i never masturbate in the public.
chansluts is public enough already :D

No.1446 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)14:16] [Report] []

what do you feel sexiest wearing?

No.1447 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)14:19] [Report] []

i never really feel sexy

No.1448 : Dolly-chan #7BspzuZpF2 [09/02/01(Sun)14:44] [Report] []

Will you show your face? I bet you're pretty

No.1449 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)14:48] [Report] []

were you shoving things in your pooper before chansluts?

No.1450 : sushi_vandal [09/02/01(Sun)15:04] [Report] []

^_^; do you prefer things in the pooper as much as I prefer seeing things in your pooper?

No.1451 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)15:05] [Report] []

not in the open, but you could ask lia, nd, Sascha or belair for example.. they've seen my face.
we are all curious, aren't we? ^^
ocassional candle at times.. or the vibe.. or my ex's dick, so yeah, i did.

No.1452 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)15:05] [Report] []

oh god and Sissy, how could i forget you. forgive me ;_;

No.1453 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)15:17] [Report] []

why do you do it? is it a sex thing, ie you get off on people jerking it to your exploits.

have you ever met up with a guy from the internet for sex?

do you know that the more stuff you put in your pooper the harder my erection becomes?

No.1454 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)15:20] [Report] []

have you ever pegged a guy? would you like to?

No.1455 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)15:32] [Report] []


>why do you do it? is it a sex thing, ie you get off on people jerking it to your exploits.

well it's getting me going too ^^

>have you ever met up with a guy from the internet for sex?

well.. i met my ex online.. but it wasn't stuff like that here. so i have to answer with 'yes' if you think that counts. i have to answer with 'no' because i'd never meet anybody just for these reasons.

>do you know that the more stuff you put in your pooper the harder my erection becomes?

ehehe :)
i've never.. and i don't know if i'd do it. let's say i don't have the urge to do it but never say never ^^

No.1456 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)15:37] [Report] []

how many guys have you watched cum via your msn?

No.1457 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)15:43] [Report] []

i don't count. but it's been a few.. not many.. maybe 10? i don't really know.

No.1458 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/01(Sun)15:58] [Report] []

have you ever schlicked to a chick on cam?

No.1459 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:01] [Report] []


Does watching guys cum turn you on as much as showing yourself?
You might not feel sexy but we know you are :)

No.1460 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:02] [Report] []

to one.. no, not on cam.

No.1461 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:03] [Report] []

it's pretty hot but i don't feel the urge to touch myself then .. unless he's hot and here :3
and .. nya.. thanks ^^;

No.1462 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:04] [Report] []

What are you wearing today?

No.1463 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:06] [Report] []

Thanks for the quick reply ;)

No.1464 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:07] [Report] []

my sleepy clothes... it's sunday.. i never manage to get out of them. (aka shirt and pants.. nothing special)

No.1465 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:09] [Report] []

you, sleep clothes, bed
My mind is already in a special place

Top 5 celebs you'd drop your pants for?

No.1466 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:18] [Report] []

David Tennant
Angelina Jolie (come on.. who wouldn't)
Jude Law
can't think atm so .. err.. i may come to that later again ^^

No.1467 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:20] [Report] []

Lee Pace!! oh god.. i feel so bad for forgetting.. the list is actually a bit long.

No.1468 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:21] [Report] []

Have you ever hurt yourself camwhoring

No.1469 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:23] [Report] 1233523401209.png (229988 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1470 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:26] [Report] []

>>26 >>27
Pronounced cheekbones britfag, skinny is that your ideal man?

No.1471 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:26] [Report] 1233523571430.png (118202 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
118202 B

and in addition .. that's how it looks right now ;)
check out

No.1472 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:27] [Report] []

Hugh Laurie is THE hot as well..
yeah, i am a sucker for the british accent. i'd marry them all :3

No.1473 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:34] [Report] []

>>29 >>31
Didn't expect that, not my cup of tea. Was thinking something that accidentally was too big, weirdly shaped, nothing intentional.
Hugh Laurie, might be the Angelina Jolie of men, though only the older not the younger

No.1474 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:45] [Report] []

Love your ass in that cute thong.
What part of your body do you prefer?

No.1475 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:46] [Report] []

i actually like the form of my ass. it's a big one and yeah, the cellulite-fairy touched me (i won't show it on the doll), but still, the form rocks. i also like my eyes ^^
oh and if that counts, i am in love with my hair :3

No.1476 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)16:52] [Report] []

I agree, i think you have a instahardon ass. Havn't seen much hair or eyes.
Do you ever think during the day, someone might be fapping to me, or only when you are posting?

No.1477 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:57] [Report] []

sometimes.. on the bus.
but then i also think about who could be a chanslut and who wouldn't. or who's visiting the same shitsites i visit aso. can be quite scary at times.

No.1478 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)16:59] [Report] []

i have to add: dido :3

No.1479 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)17:00] [Report] []

What would you do if someone recognised you on the bus?

No.1480 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)17:04] [Report] []

drop dead.

No.1481 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)17:04] [Report] []

That's 6 you have to take 1 off now. Dido, again cheekbones, I see a pattern

No.1482 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)17:07] [Report] []

Come on, nerdy /fg/perv comes up to you and says: "Hey could u be carrot, can I buy you a cup of coffee." you can give a better answer than drop dead.

No.1483 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)17:13] [Report] []

wanna continue on MSN?

No.1484 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)17:45] [Report] []

special mentions to Nico and rusef ^^

No.1485 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/01(Sun)17:47] [Report] []

ahahaha.. never :P
i don't drink coffee.. besides.. no, thanks. that'd be too weird.
nope.. studying haha
i'm already enough busy with procrastinating like that :P

No.1486 : Roy [09/02/01(Sun)17:51] [Report] []

Yeah - a genuine carrot channel. gratz!

No.1487 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/01(Sun)17:55] [Report] []

I'm off to superbowl, good luck studying, don't make it too late it's almost midnight. Sleep well laterz

No.1493 : LaRue [09/02/01(Sun)21:30] [Report] []

What's your favorite thing to get off too?

No.1497 : 9 [09/02/02(Mon)12:58] [Report] []


I have seen it, trust me she is beautiful.

No.1498 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/02(Mon)13:05] [Report] []

mhhh .. women ^^
i love lesbian porn.. and i love creampies too.
i totally dislike aggressive porn.

No.1499 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/02(Mon)13:49] [Report] []

Warst du mal im DF? grübel

No.1500 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/02(Mon)13:58] [Report] []

wassn das?

No.1501 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/02(Mon)13:59] [Report] []


Ein Internetforum. Liegt wohl ne Verwechslung vor.

No.1509 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/04(Wed)01:11] [Report] []

Do you eat carrots daily?

No.1510 : carrot ##32u2o9UE [09/02/04(Wed)02:43] [Report] []

if i have some, yep. they are delicious.


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