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No.68 : Sassio #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/04(Wed)00:05] [Report] 1233723922671.jpg (738685 B, 2048x1536) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
738685 B

Ask the Emperor your questions.

No.70 : age #eNwncubcDk [09/02/04(Wed)08:57] [Report] []

how many funerals have you attended in the last 18 years?

No.72 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/04(Wed)09:37] [Report] []

Just two, and I'd rather not talk about them, age

No.76 : age #eNwncubcDk [09/02/04(Wed)20:52] [Report] []


No.77 : Togepi [09/02/04(Wed)20:58] [Report] []

What's your favorite food?

No.78 : Sassio #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/04(Wed)21:07] [Report] []

My favourite food? Um, I like honey dew melon, apple, pineapple, rice w/ peas carrots et corn, bread, and bacon. I'm sure I have more, though...

I like munching on green beans time to time

No.87 : Togepi [09/02/05(Thu)15:13] [Report] []


Honey dew melon is amazing. :3 Do you like it with pineapple?

No.88 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [09/02/05(Thu)18:26] [Report] 1233876365510.jpg (26707 B, 421x206) [YIS] [GIS] []
26707 B

Sissi, ave you ever been to a Turkish prison?

No.89 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [09/02/05(Thu)18:29] [Report] []

>>88 *HAVE

No.92 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/05(Thu)19:43] [Report] []

Can't say I have, nynnie. Of course, it is possible the CIA has erased my memory of a former life style.

Mixed together? I'm not sure; last time I had honey dew melon, I think I had it with some pineapple, but the mystery substance wasn't as sweet as pineapple usually is. But I'll answer yes.

No.106 : age #eNwncubcDk [09/02/08(Sun)10:01] [Report] []

am i the only one who thinks that honeydew melon lacks flavor and basically tastes like a not yet ripe cantaloupe

this reminds of a funny story, though. I had these two friend, who just happened to be melons, and they came to me, complaining about how they couldn't get married. I've heard them all before, so I took away their thunder and said "Is it because you can't elope?" while winking and nudging one of them. "No," he responded, not seeing the humor in my joke, "Proposition 8 passed and two fruits aren't allowed to get married."


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