The Camwhores of Christmas Past

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No.596 : Hamstyrup [08/12/23(Tue)16:56] [Report] 1230080204270.jpg (37119 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
37119 B

My hair has grown out. And I am snowed in. And GTFO, NOT YOUR MYSPACE, ETC ETC

No.597 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/23(Tue)19:53] [Report] []

oh ya its -25 and snow 2 feet high outside my place right now and I just had 3 cups of pot tea.

No.598 : Hamstyrup [08/12/23(Tue)21:54] [Report] []

Lucky...I wish I could smoke at my parents' place. Home for the holidays, food everywhere, a warm fire and two kickass puppies---a bowl would fit in nicely.

No.601 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/25(Thu)14:53] [Report] []

Merry whatever you celebrate!

No.602 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/25(Thu)23:57] [Report] []

Sucks here in NY =/

You're the sexiest azn cam person I've ever seen, I'm so happy you post.

And I think I love your implied drug habits.

No.603 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/26(Fri)21:49] [Report] 1230356977537.jpg (47237 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
47237 B

there was a girl on 4chan pretending to be you last night...

same style of photos and she was taking shrooms.

attaching a picture of what she posted

No.605 : Hamstyrup [08/12/26(Fri)23:21] [Report] []

It was definitely me, dahhling.

No.606 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/27(Sat)02:58] [Report] []

Any chance of you putting those pictures here, please?? >_>

No.607 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/27(Sat)10:48] [Report] []

i think i saw that thread, some time around midnight


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