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No.886 : thomas [12/03/13(Tue)14:07] [Report] 1331662057028.jpg (0 B, 661x1051) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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hii spricht hier einer deustsch ...ich bin ihr ich hab ihren laptop genackt mit all ihren nackt bildrrn wer kan mir helfen die alle zu posten danke

No.887 : Anonymous Stalker [12/03/13(Tue)14:47] [Report] []

Try using some English next time.

No.1081 : Anonymous Stalker [12/05/23(Wed)10:35] [Report] []

Translation: hii Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler laptop Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler thanks

No.1644 : Anonymous Stalker [12/08/16(Thu)22:33] [Report] []

Racist cunts.
Who said the internet was supposed to be exclusively English?

No.1645 : Anonymous Stalker [12/08/17(Fri)00:24] [Report] []

You're on an English language imageboard, dipshit.

No.1660 : Anonymous Stalker [12/08/21(Tue)10:48] [Report] []

bist du blind? --->"Choose File"


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