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No.745 : Anonymous Stalker [2014-06-09 01:55] [Report] 1402293343518.jpg (59080 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
59080 B

Hello, we don't really know each other. However, I have admired you for a long time as a fellow JB chanslut turned professional internet whore,as well as a horny pervert. I've recently become attached to someone who claims he was once vaguely attached to you through a forum based on the obsession of a certain other 4chan girl. He says that you are in possession of an unflattering video of him and that if I would like to see it, to ask you for it. I was very excited by the prospect of seeing a man that I hold (arguably foolishly) high esteem engage in embarrassing acts. As well as finally having an excuse to speak to you. Perhaps we could make some kind of exchange. I am hoping that you will see this and reply. You can contact me at filthyuglystinky at gmail dot com.

No.746 : Anonymous Stalker [2014-06-11 01:30] [Report] []

Seems legit.

No.747 : Anonymous Stalker [2014-06-11 01:53] [Report] []

>>746 yes

No.836 : Anonymous Stalker [2015-07-29 06:41] [Report] []

Appears lgeittt


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