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No.3090 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 12:23] [Report] 1599841400653.png (38227 B, 426x340) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
38227 B

Cracky is in California.

I saw her earlier today.

She gave me her phone number, 760-706-7425.

She said it was okay for me to post it here because she's lonely and wants to talk to people.

No.3092 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 13:58] [Report] []

I knew we were right to never give up.

No.3094 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 15:18] [Report] []

some retard reported your post

No.3096 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 15:28] [Report] []

where can I see?

No.3097 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 15:28] [Report] []


No.3116 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 19:54] [Report] []

It's really her. I called and talked to her for about an hour. She's really sweet. Basically I just told her how I was feeling, and I think she understood.

No.3117 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 19:59] [Report] []

No it wasn't.
No you didn't.

No.3118 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 20:19] [Report] []

Can confirm.

No.3119 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 20:59] [Report] []

I don't believe you.

No.3122 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 21:28] [Report] []

I would never tell a lie and hurt you.

No.3126 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 22:03] [Report] []

Wow, you're doing it again LOOK
you're lying again! Unbelievable.

No.3127 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 22:58] [Report] []

How can you say that after we've known each other for so long?

No.3128 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-12 02:26] [Report] []

The Cracky is in the cup, we have to find the cup!

No.3129 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-12 09:47] [Report] []

Everybody wants to find the Cracky-chan!

No.3131 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-12 23:59] [Report] []

If everyone wants it you know what that means

No.3360 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-24 14:48] [Report] []

Is this her real phone number?

No.3372 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-24 15:58] [Report] []

It's real but don't call now. She's asleep.

No.3386 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-24 20:34] [Report] []

she's awake now

No.3393 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-24 22:07] [Report] 1600999665437.png (39000 B, 522x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
39000 B

>>3386 You're a fucking liar. She was asleep and I woke her up and she's pissed at me and I'm pissed at you.

No.3462 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-27 12:14] [Report] []

i called and she said very sweet things to me

No.3463 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-27 12:41] [Report] []

You don't have phones?

No.3465 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-27 15:15] [Report] []


oh hey look you made REFERENCE

look how cool and clevar you are

you made a callback to a thing from the past that others might or might not remember

now I can virtue-signal how smart I am by announcing that I recognized your allusion

maybe I'll even post a "I understood that reference" GIF, to cement my 'meme cred'

thanks for giving me this amazing opportunity

No.3469 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-27 17:44] [Report] []

I called her and she bought a pizza for me!

No.3483 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-28 11:22] [Report] []

You're all idiots for believing this. Fuck you, OP. Fuck you, everybody who fell for it. FUCK YOU.

No.3484 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-28 12:24] [Report] []

I would never call a number without googling it first. Especially I would never call back an unknown number after googling it first.

No.3485 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-28 12:33] [Report] []

i've been calling her every day now. she really is the cute and sweet girl i imagined all these years <3

No.3486 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-28 13:31] [Report] []

>>3485 I've been talking to her too but every time I talk to her, her call waiting eventually beeps and she says she has to let me go and take the other call. Wait... it's YOU, isn't it? You're the one interrupting my conversations with her? I'll fucking kill you, asshole. STOP CALLING HER WHEN I'M ON THE PHONE WITH HER.

No.3487 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-28 17:02] [Report] []

I still can't believe this. She was so nice and sweet to me.

No.3489 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-28 17:07] [Report] []

You guys are all liars. She was super mean to me.

No.3528 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-01 17:28] [Report] 1601587724496.jpg (34496 B, 567x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
34496 B

nice drawing


No.3529 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-01 17:39] [Report] 1601588383687.png (4893 B, 400x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3561 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-05 11:06] [Report] []

Is this actually Cracky's phone number? Has anyone called it for real?

No.3960 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-14 12:15] [Report] []

I called her on her birthday but she didn't answer.

She must have been out celebrating.

Good for her.

No.4159 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-20 19:09] [Report] []

seriously guys is this her real number?

I'm too nervous to call it.

I want to know if it's real or not.

If it's real I want to talk to her. But I'd probably be too nervous.

And if it's a prank I don't want to fall victim to it.

No.4161 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-20 19:22] [Report] []

>>4159 i can guarantee that you have nothing to lose... other than long distance charges, if they apply

No.21547 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-06-06 01:46] [Report] 1686030393778.jpg (156942 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.21672 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-06-14 22:34] [Report] []

I want her nude.

No.21741 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-06-23 13:09] [Report] 1687540152657.jpg (48776 B, 1200x630) [YIS] [GIS] []


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