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No.794 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/09/25(Fri)11:21] [Report] 1253902871642.jpg (42244 B, 600x450) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
42244 B

poll: i'm thinking about getting a monroe piercing, but my friend is a tattoo artist, so i was considering getting it as a tattoo instead. yes/no why/why not

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No.795 : mimi-chan #TeGC9TyO06 [09/09/25(Fri)11:34] [Report] []

I would say go for the piercing, mostly because if you regret it later you could take the piercing out. Also because I enjoy piercings, and think tattoos should be meaningful/special. :3

But in the end you should do what you want. It's your body.

No.796 : R A U L ##+g+FivGo [09/09/25(Fri)12:19] [Report] []

I'd say piercing because you can remove it but also because you can use different cool jewelery. A tattooed beauty mark in an interesting idea but tattoos can go all wrong and then you have some funky cancer looking spot.

No.797 : Anonymous Stalker [09/09/26(Sat)03:49] [Report] []

Please don't, you look great the way your are. If you must get something, at least get something non permanent!

No.798 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/09/27(Sun)11:05] [Report] []

Get flower petals around your freckle.

No.799 : mimi-chan #TeGC9TyO06 [09/09/27(Sun)14:11] [Report] []

>>798 this

No.800 : Anonymous Stalker [09/09/30(Wed)02:54] [Report] []

I vote for a dirty tattoo in a naughty place, and you only show it to us, so when we see you we're the only ones that know that you have that dirty tattoo in that naughty place...


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