♀ Kandie

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No.160 : kandie #pWxj4IcEUw##6r//35LN [08/05/04(Sun)15:16] [Report] 1209939418593.jpg (49670 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
49670 B

new hair. it's more red and black than pink and brown irl. the color balance on my webcam is a little fucked up so i'll try to take a picture with another camera outside in the sun so you all can see how it really looks.

No.161 : caturday__:3 #ihCl0acchQ [08/05/04(Sun)18:34] [Report] []

looks nice

No.162 : Anonymous Stalker [08/05/04(Sun)19:18] [Report] []

i liek it

No.163 : ThatYellowBTard #NtYjj7E4Z6 [08/05/05(Mon)16:13] [Report] []


No.169 : kandie #pWxj4IcEUw##6r//35LN [08/06/08(Sun)18:30] [Report] 1212975040930.jpg (55666 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
55666 B

i cut my hair.

No.170 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/08(Sun)21:00] [Report] []


No.171 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/09(Mon)00:19] [Report] []

>>169 I love it

No.172 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/09(Mon)16:26] [Report] []

Kathy Griffin cosplay?

No.174 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/14(Sat)17:01] [Report] []


No.175 : kandie #pWxj4IcEUw##6r//35LN [08/06/15(Sun)18:42] [Report] 1213580572170.jpg (51899 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.176 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/15(Sun)19:44] [Report] []

I enjoy this

No.178 : caturday__:3 #ihCl0acchQ [08/06/16(Mon)22:06] [Report] []

that's a nice pic

No.179 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/17(Tue)11:30] [Report] []


Are you Jewish???

No.180 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/17(Tue)14:16] [Report] []

No. She's Jewesk

No.183 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/06/19(Thu)06:42] [Report] []


No.184 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/19(Thu)07:03] [Report] []


She's definitely Jewish. I can spot a Jew from a mile away. Her being Jewish is actually a plus for me. I love Jewish girls.

No.185 : kandie #pWxj4IcEUw##6r//35LN [08/06/19(Thu)08:10] [Report] []

Can't say that I am or am not Jewish for certain, but no one in my family practices Judaism. I guess it's possible that I could be related to a Jew, but I can't say I'm really "up-to-date" on my family heritage. I do know that I'm mostly German with English and a little Dutch and Irish thrown in. I thought I was Jewish because of something my grandmother said, but she was just joking around.

No.186 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/19(Thu)13:48] [Report] []

There we go.

No.187 : Chocobo [08/06/22(Sun)14:25] [Report] []

grl, i think i saw sum nassstie vydio of u
&, grl, its u, dammmn fap fap PHAP!!

No.188 : sempai's pleasurous nutrients ##IPMntP9K [08/06/23(Mon)03:42] [Report] []


No.189 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/30(Mon)02:24] [Report] []

So where do you post your good pics now since they cleaned up this board or have you gave up posting in got into something else by now?

No.190 : Anonymous Stalker [08/07/01(Tue)13:44] [Report] []

The only English in you should be me =D

No.211 : Anonymous Stalker [08/07/07(Mon)03:00] [Report] []

bump for this question

No.212 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/07/07(Mon)07:15] [Report] []

i dont post them anywhere

No.216 : Anonymous Stalker [08/07/07(Mon)15:48] [Report] []

>>212 no you just take fucking people money an lie about what you will give in return hope you burn in hell LOL

No.217 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/07/07(Mon)19:21] [Report] []

oh you. learn some proper english ;P

No.218 : Anonymous Stalker [08/07/07(Mon)23:10] [Report] []

if you're stupid enough to give money to a stranger on the internet, you didn't deserve your money in the first place.


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