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No.74 : Sassio #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/04(Wed)20:36] [Report] 1233797805431.jpg (83068 B, 810x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
83068 B

Tell me your sex stories, plzu

No.75 : Togepi [09/02/04(Wed)20:45] [Report] []

One time at 3 in the morning after a show, we decided to boink in this little Eclipse car behind the Salvation Army downtown. So, I'm on top, obviously, driver's seat, really getting into it. Suddenly, my guy screams, 'OH SHIT!' Cop car, right beside us, staring us down. ;.; He continues to stare at us for like a minute straight, looking so disappointed, the begins to drive off. Of course, my guy floors the gas, still butt naked.

We continued in a car lot about 5 minutes away.

No.79 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/04(Wed)22:01] [Report] []

My sex story is I made someone's ass bleed.

No.80 : Togepi [09/02/04(Wed)22:10] [Report] []



No.81 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/02/04(Wed)22:34] [Report] []

I'll make your ass bleed if given the chance :3


No.82 : Lerk [09/02/05(Thu)00:34] [Report] []

This one time I was having relations with a vagrant woman in the dumpster behind the home depot one dewey morning, when I heard someone outside the dumpster shout. Thinking it was the police, I overreacted and punched the street woman in the back of the head, intending to knock her out, as she was moaning quite loudly and gruffly, however it then occured to me that I had perhaps hit her a bit too hard, as any attempts to revive her after the voices outside stopped were for naught. I quickly jumped out of the dumpster and made haste from the scene. Turns out that the voices were just the employees dropping some things off next to the dumpster, as that was the morning the garbage truck came by for pickups.
I never did see that woman again...

No.105 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [09/02/07(Sat)22:40] [Report] []

This afternoon I was sitting here minding my own business and my female orifice was intruded upon against my will. ;_;

No.149 : Anonymous Stalker [09/02/24(Tue)18:56] [Report] []

You're welcome, baby.

No.150 : #nACBqkkJ3E [09/02/25(Wed)10:08] [Report] []

>>105 This afternoon I was sitting here minding my own business and my man root was mounted against my will. ;_;


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